Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not Much New

Well things have been pretty boring around here lately. Mom and Dad are just trying to settle in. They did manage to get the living room boxes unpacked yesterday. Dad saw his new foot doctor last week. All in all it went pretty well considering it was at least a month since he last saw Dr. Cocheba before we left. Tomorrow he goes to see his new primary care/diabetes doctor, and on Thursday he goes to the eye doctor. I'm really looking forward to Thursday because Grandma Ruth is coming over to drive since Dad's eyes are going to be dialated...something about the light seems to bother him when they do that...and he says things aren't very focused. Yeah whatever...I get to see Grandma so that's all that matters!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Catching Up

Oh happy day! Oh happy day!! I have internet access again. No I didn't drown in the pool (more about that later). Mom says we had to wait for the cable people to install a few lines in the living room and computer room.

So let me get ya'll caught up with all the activities around here. The unpackers came and took everything out of the PODS and helped put together some of the furniture. Here are a few pictures.

Dad has been busy ever since we got into the house. Here are just some of the projects he has been tackling around my new house.

This is the new programmable thermostat.

Here are some of the new door handles, locks, and wall protectors.

Mom and Dad found this picture at Walmart. I think it looks really nice in the foyer.

Here is the new foyer light, front porch light, and dining room chandelier.

This is Dad's new desk, printer stand, bookshelf, and torch light in his computer room. Some of the glass from Dad's old desk didn't make it through the trip from WA to FL, but Mom says they got a really good deal on this desk set since it was on sale.

I've also had some new people come by the house to visit me. Mom says this is Dan, and he is our pool boy. She also says he's cute and that Uncle David would be jealous that he doesn't have a pool boy.

This is a picture of Rob, the landscaping guy. He also pressure washed the icky mildewy stuff off the pool area. You can see how much better it looks.

And finally, I know that many of you have been wondering about how I like my new pool. I must tell you that Mom, Dad, and Grandma must think I didn't pay any attention when I was in service dog training. They tried to get me to jump into the pool by throwing my tennis ball in there, but I'm a smart boy. I figured out that I could just paw at the water and eventually the ball would come to me.

Dad did eventually manage to get me into the pool though I swam really quick back to the edge and climbed out as fast as I could. I like going in the water at the lake, but I'm just not sure about this pool thing.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday, September 6th

Today we went to Chiefland to go to Grandma Ruth's church. We got there a little before Sunday school was over, but once I caught sight of Grandma Ruth, I was soooooo excited. After church service, they had a potluck dinner. It all smelled really good, but I wasn't allowed to have any. That's OK though because I met a new friend. A little girl just sat down on the floor with me and rubbed my belly. I was happy as a clam according to Mom.

After that we went to Gradma's house, and I got to meet Cody. Grandma was really worried that Cody wouldn't like me and maybe be mean, but he wasn't mean. I'm not sure if he likes me yet though. I tried as hard as I could to get him to play with me, but he kept running away. At one point he was hiding behind Grandma on the bench so I just jumped up there too. See...

Mom also got to pick up her quilt that Grandma had made for her and Dad. Here is a picture of me checking out the quilt. It was so big they couldn't show the whole thing. It sure was pretty though.

Saturday, September 5th

Oh another boring day. The PODS got delivered today, but Dad can't unpack that thing by himself so we have to wait until Monday when a couple of guys are coming by to unload it all. Other than that, Dad worked on changing the lock on the front door along with some other stuff around the house.

Mom keeps laughing at me because when Dad opens the sliding door to let me outside, I forget that there is also a screen door so I run into it trying to go out too soon. Thankfully she told Dad to just leave the screen door open and only close the glass door. Whew! Now I don't have to worry about looking foolish and maybe Mom will stop laughing at me.

The best part of the day was coming back to the hotel because the lady at the front desk got me an apple out of the kitchen. I was so excited, I ran all the way down the hall and sat at the door to our room because Mom wouldn't let me eat it until we got inside. It was really hard to hold that apple in my mouth and not chew on it!!

Friday, September 4th

Today was not that exciting...at least not most of it. We sat around the house today waiting for people. We had to wait for the washer and dryer delivery people, and we had to wait for the landscaping guy to come by. Personally I didn't think that was so much fun, but Mom told me what a good boy I was since I stayed on my bed when people came to the house.

At one point, we were out in the driveway and the neighbor next door was out and talked to Dad. His name is Greg. Then while they were talking, one of our other neighbors from across the street came out and talked with Mom. We had met Rich before, but today we got to meet his wife Sylvia and their friend Smitty. But you know what was best of all?? Rich and Sylvia have a little dog named Laddie. Rich says it's because they are Scottish so they had to call him Laddie. We didn't really get to play because we were all standing in the middle of the street...well Mom says it is a culdesac...whatever.

Thursday, September 3rd

OK...I know I haven't posted in quite a few days, but boy what a whirlwind they have been. Let's see if I can catch ya'll up before Mom wants to kick me off the computer to go play Farmville or some such thing. First thing on Thursday we went to the bank to get some sort of special check that Mom and Dad needed to get my new house. After that we went to this place called a title company, and Mom and Dad signed a lot of papers. When they were done, I got the keys to my new house...mine mine mine...but I'll share with Mom and Dad if I have to.

Once I had the keys, we went to this place where the lady flips some kind of switch, and our power and water come on. Mom and Dad seemed happy because the lady told them they didn't have to give her a deposit since they have good credit ratings. We went to my new house next, but the lady said it might take until 5pm for the utilities to be turned on so it was still dark there. So Mom and Dad went back to the hotel for a bit, got some dinner for all of us, and then went back to the house to be sure the utilities had come on and to set the termastat and close the fridge. Mom said the agents had left the fridge open after the power got turned off so it didn't get moldy. I thought they left it open because they were raised in a barn, but Mom said no. How was I supposed to know? That's what she always says to Dad when he leaves the fridge open.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, September 2nd

I had a relaxing day today. Mom and Dad spent the whole day on and off the phone making calls, changing accounts, addresses, etc. Tomorrow Mom and Dad sign the papers for my new house. I can't wait until we're all moved in so I can run around in my new yard.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 1st

Howdy ya'll!!

Mom and Dad went to the bank today to open their new checking and savings accounts here. I'm going to like this bank as much as my old one in Seattle...the lady there gave me treats just for being a good boy and laying quietly while they were busy doing paperwork.

After that we went looking at washers and dryers at several different stores since Mom says there are none in the new house. They finally picked out a pair and they are being delivered on Friday. Oh, I almost forgot, Mom and Dad are closing on the house on Thursday at 11am.

In the middle of checking out the washers and dryers, the sky opened up and the rain fell in buckets!! It never rained like that in Seattle. I mean it was scary with all the lightning and thunder, and I could hardly see my paws in front of my own nose!!