Aunt Alice picked up my cousin John in the morning, and they came to the hotel to meet me (well OK maybe Mom and Dad too). We all went to the mall and ate lunch...actually they ate lunch...once again I was left to lie on the floor and try to behave as Mom would say. Afterwards, Aunt Alice had to go home to get some sleep since she had to work that night. The rest of us hung out at the mall until Uncle Fred got off work, and then we all went to cousin John's house.
On the way there, I saw more famous people on the side of the road. First it was those CA cows on the commercials and now it was all those cactus' that are on the commercials for Taco Time!! Don't you think that all these famous people would make enough money to get a house or something so they didn't have to live on the side of the road?
So guess what? When we got to cousin John's house, there was Bruce waiting to meet me. I was so thrilled to see another dog and get to play.
Dad even took a video for me so that I wouldn't forget how much fun I was having.
Here is a picture of Uncle Fred and cousin John being silly. I just want to know why John gets to stand on the furniture, but Bruce and I weren't allowed? It just doesn't seem fair to me.
Later on we went back to the house where Uncle Fred and Aunt Alice are staying until they get their own house. They are living with Amy's parents (Mark and Lillian). They had what smelled to me like a wonderful meal. Mom did tell me how proud she was of me for behaving so well at Mark and Lillian's home.
Apollo, you're gonna have a rough time of it when you get to FL because all the floors in the new house are hardwood. No carpeting anywhere.