Friday, August 14, 2009

Wednesday, August 12th

Like I was saying...Mom got dressed on the floor...that was funny!! Of course that was after Dad got up earlier and went to the lobby and got them something to eat for breakfast. Mom and Dad said that this was the day we were officially starting on our trip to FL, but we had a few errands to run before hitting the road. Guess where we went?? One of my favorite places in the whole world!! We went to the bank. Mom says we won't get to go to this bank anymore but that we'll find a new bank in FL, and she's sure they will love me as much as the peeps at this bank do. Here is a picture of my final trip to the bank.

So then we were on our way to Portland, OR. I was going to get a chance to see Aunt Liz, Uncle Darryn, my two cousins Ashleigh and Michael, and my Grandma Blanche!! As it turns out, I only got to see Aunt Liz and Grandma Blanche tonight, but they promised I'd get to play with everyone else tomorrow!! Then again they left me in the hotel while they went out to have dinner. I'm really not fond of this being left behind thing!!

Here is a silly picture of me in front of the hotel that Mom made me sit still for while Dad snapped away with the camera.

Oh I almost forgot...this bed thing must be pretty common in hotels. Once again, the bed had a box under it, but it was OK because there was this couch, and when you took the cushions off, this bed magically appeared from inside it. It was amazing!! Mom and Dad seemed happier than the night before because it was easy to get her into the magic bed. Only thing Dad didn't like was that it was two small for the both of them to sleep in so he slept in the regular bed. I didn't mind though because there was plenty of room for me to sleep with Mom. And you know what else? The lady I met at the front desk of the hotel, she brought me a cookie and some hazelnuts and a bottle of sparkling cider. She was very sorry that we had to use the magic bed. My mean Momma wouldn't let me have any of the snacks though!!